B.T. Loftus Ranches Inc. + Carbon Brews

Established in 1932, B.T. Loftus Ranches Inc. is one of the Yakima Valley’s longest running hop farms. In 1920, the Loftus family moved to Moxee in pursuit of work on the railroad and began farming a variety of crops and livestock. Twelve years later, B.T. and Leota Loftus established the family’s first nine-acre hop field. Today, Loftus Ranches is owned and operated by third and fourth generation hop farmers, Mike and Patrick Smith.
Loftus Ranches is one of the largest growers for the craft beer industry, valuing quality, sustainability and innovation. They are dedicated to their craft and look forward to growing varieties that meet the needs of brewers for many years to come.

We started Carbon Brews in 2018. Since day one, we have been an employee’s-driven brewery that continues to push the boundaries with our innovative beers. Our goal is to use our creative brews to bring excitement to the Hong Kong beer drinkers which they can share with their friends. Our brewery is located in the city’s industrial area Fo Tan (“Tan” is the Cantonese character for “carbon”!) where all of our employees collaboratively develop and brew ground breaking recipes with our 35HL brewhouse.